• The 4th East-Asia Microscopy Conference
  • December 03-05, 2022
  • National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Video Upload

Video Uploading Guideline

This guideline is for the EAMC4 authors who participate in a virtual conference on December 4-5, 2022.

Authors MUST complete the registration and payment before uploading presentation videos.

Please upload your presentation video (MP4 file). The deadline for presentation video uploading is 20221125.

  • Authors must provide a pre-recorded presentation with narration.
  • Your video MUST be in .MP4 format.
  • Your video must not exceed the maximum file size and time length set in the following table.
  Plenary Speakers Keynote Speakers Invited Speakers Regular Speakers Poster
maximum time length 45 min 30 min 25 min 15 min 5 min
maximum file size (MB) 900 600 400 300 100
  • For the guideline of converting a presentation to a video, please refer to the “Record a presentation” and “Turn your presentation into a video”. This guideline from the Microsoft homepage will guide you on how to make a video from your PowerPoint. You can also google “Record a presentation” and “Turn your presentation into a video” for more information.

Video Upload

Upload Here
(The uploading system deadline is 20221125.)

  • The log in ID (e-mail address) and password are the same as your EAMC4 registration account.
  • For the Plenary and Keynote Speakers, the EAMC4 secretariat will send an e-mail with upload link information for your video uploading.